Tuesday, 28 January 2014

My Top 5 Lists (Part I)

I love the movie High Fidelity with John Cusack, especially when he does his Top 5 Lists. I realized the other day that I was coming up with my own Top 5 lists for living here in Mozambique as well as abroad. Please feel free to comment about your own Top 5 lists. And here they are…

My Top 5 on Eating While Abroad…
(of course this is the first list folks!)
5. I Heart Meat. It is usually organic and so I don’t have constant panic attacks about what I’m doing to my body. I also like that it is served in normal portions rather than American portions (portion for one person=that of 3 people in other countries). I don’t have to feel guilty about chowin’ on fried chicken and hamburgers or that I turned my back on 10 years of vegetarianism the minute I stepped off the plane to live abroad many moons ago.
4. Ketchup and mayonnaise with my French fries. As a teenager people would always look at me like I was crazy combining the two on my fries when in fact half of the globe eat fries with ketchup and mayonnaise. It’s tasty…try it if you haven’t already!
3. Eating at foreign restaurants. While in Africa I have absolutely loved eating at Indian, Chinese and Italian restaurants as the food is as good as anything you will find in the home countries of the people serving it to you. In Central America and the Caribbean I love how the dishes are really a fusion of, say, Chinese and the host country cuisine---Caribbean and Cuban Chinese is yummy, yummy, yummy!
2. Carbohydrates. They are a must in any foreign country and instead of looking at me like I’m a fat cow when I put more than a tablespoon of rice on my plate I heap it on until you can only see my eyes over the pile.
1. Fruits and Vegetables. They have flavor as they are not force ripened. For all of you bearing the brunt of snowy and cold winter days and nights right now—just to let you know I’m enjoying watermelon, pineapple, and mangoes. They are so sweet I only have to add water to make my own juice!

My Top 5 Favorite Past Times…
5. Watching B movies (in every genre)……………
4. Putzing around in my garden. I like to think that I am greatly contributing to our very small garden. But all I really do is check to see if anything is coming up---and occasionally helping B water and pull weeds. The hardcore work I did in Zobue has traumatized me so I leave the heavy duty stuff to B.
3. Trying to get through P90X Pylometrics without having a heart attack. No explanation needed.
2. Acting like I’m a national geographic photographer. I have many photos of my animals from strange angles. It makes me feel I’m “capturing” a moment. Some are decent, most are “why did you need to be that close to a duck’s butt?” I’m sure you may ask why I haven’t posted these photos. First, do you really want to see 100 angles of my cat looking at me as I say “psst”? Second, uploading photos eats up a hella lot of credits. Lastly, I’m afraid that the laptop I’m using will erase my pics as it recently did of my photos from my Christmas Gabz trip (shame). I’m waiting for parts to repair my laptop that was damaged in November. But until then I continue to take pics from weird angles of both animals, humans and things that catch my eye while roaming around in Maputo city centre.
1. Observing animal behavior. I enjoy observing the animals on our property (6 ducks, 21 duckilings, 3 cats and at one point 3 chickens and 2 roosters. But someone ate the chickens and the rooster). I didn’t know there could be such drama going on with animals. Watching my cats play fighting with one another as well as getting themselves in sticky situations brings me much laughter and entertainment to us.

The Top 5 Most Disgusting Things That Have Happened To Me…(well….so far)
5. Dropping part of our dinner on the ground. I dropped boiled potatoes where people and animals tramp past as well as randomly take a whizz. I had to pick it up, dust it off and splash some boiled water on it to kill the infectious dirtiness that was lingering there because we didn’t have anything else to eat and in the rural areas there aren’t ‘Open 24/7’ anythings…
4. Dropping my toothbrush in our pee pee basin. In Zobue, it was too dangerous for me to go out at night to the outhouse so we used a basin inside at bedtime. One morning I dropped my dang toothbrush in the basin. Which I’m not surprised I did as I’m always dropping things in the bloody toilet (make-up, flatirons, cell phones etc). But you would think I would have taken better care in this situation. We didn’t have any spares and we had just made our monthly grocery run to the city so I had no choice but to boil it and keep on using it. Oh yes, so fresh, so clean…
3. A roach crawling on my face. When I was a Peace Corps volunteer I was staying as a guest in a friend’s house and all there was for me to sleep on was a sponge mat. I woke up with a creepy crawly feeling. No Aishia! It wasn’t just a feeling it was actually a creepy crawley on my face: a huge roach the size of my palm scuttling from one side of the room to the other. Yay! I now know that roaches are attracted to spongey like objects.
2. Getting vomit splashed on my face. While seated on a chapa that was traveling at high speed (well, is there any other speed they travel at?), a kid in front of me opens the window to barf. She didn’t ask the driver to stop so the wind blew it back into the minibus. I got a few nice chunks on my bottom lip. Mmmmm…nothing like chima porridge.
1. Getting poo-poo backsplash on my calf. I was crouched down in our outhouse having a hard time getting my business done----so I gave an extra hard push. Well, that sucker came out good and hard and back-splashed I don’t know how many people’s (over how many months) dookie doo doo onto my calf. Dear Jesus. My eyes started to tear up. I washed my leg about 100 times that day. I’m feeling disgusted just remembering it. Let me stop talking about it now or I may vomit.

Thank you, and good night...until the next Top 5 List.

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